Friday, September 25, 2009

Weekend with Dad

Hey's me Rubbles. I'm hungry. Mommy left me yesterday and I missed her from the minute Daddy put me inside. I'm hungry. I miss lil as well he/she is my buddy already I can't wait to meet him/her or at least give mommy's belly another lick. I'm soooooooooooooooo hungry. Treat did you say treat.....

Ha Ha Ha.

Matty here again, I hate it when Rubbles wont share the computer.

Well Dena and Lil went to Minnesotta this weekend to visit friends from high school, Kim and Suzi. They are already having a blast and Dena said Lil was kicking up a storm on the plane she said she could even see it. I'm so jealous of the passenger beside her. So right now lb is the size of a spaghetti squash. I don't know what that is but I'm guessing its larger than a carrot and smaller than a pumpkin. Hope all is well with everyone. Have a great weekend. Go Sox, Pats, Packers, Hokies, and Irish. CLARK FOOTBALL RULES!! Looking forward to seeing you all.

Rubbles, Matty, and LB (little "spaghetti squash" bachman)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

final touches

After a trip to IKEA, we found a rug. Rubbles approves because last night when I sat in the glider to read to Lil he laid down right on it like he's been doing it for years.

I also made a quilt ladder to display all the beautiful quilts that Lil will collect over the years from his bad granny (hint hint). When Matty first saw it he was not too happy. He immediatly asked how much a paid for Lil's crib escape ladder. He relaxed a bit when I told him I made it from scraps around the house and when Lil gets old enough to climb it, we will move it out of the nursery. Already a worrier:)

Monday, September 21, 2009

thinking ahead to halloween

Halloween is my favorite holiday and with our schedules being so busy from now till then I've got to start working on our halloween costumes. I definitely want to play up my baby bump. Here are a few ideas I've found online:

- Dress up like a basketball player, my belly being the ball
- Dress up like a black cat and have my bump be a fishbowl with a little goldfish
- "Deviled Egg" Dressed in all black with a cut out of an egg with sprinkles the size & shape of my belly....add the headband horns, pitchfork & tail
- Bun in the oven - make an oven out of a cardboard box and cut a door where the belly is
- Miss Conception—wear a formal gown with a sash that says "Miss Conception
- Mummy-to-Be—dress completely in white, and wrapped in gauze.
- Sumo wrestler

Any other suggestions?

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Photos from Previous Weeks

Hey all it's Matty again. Sorry I have not posted in a while from Wisconsin to all this travel for work life has been crazy. As you can see life has been crazy for Lil and Dena too. WOW, what a difference a few weeks makes. Baby center says that LB or TNK is the length of a carrot. My hopes are not the carrots we grow in our garden as those are tiny and fat. So we found out that Lil can hear now and that has encouraged us to read books before bed, Dena does it on nights when I'm not here and I read to the whole family (Rubbles always looks like he enjoys it with his eyes closed and snoring) when I'm here. Things are moving quickly and I'm happy to say that TNK's bedroom is looking sweet. All we really need for it is a rug...Any suggestions??

Well I hope everyone is doing well, we are excited to see everyone soon and its nice not being the only one in the house with a gut! HA HA.

Love you all,

Matty, Dena, Rubbles, and LB (little boxer Bachman)

PS-for those that do not know TNK stands for THE NEXT KID-courtesy of Grampa Dar and Gramma Dianne

almost there

The nursery is almost complete. Our latest additions have included a bookcase from our yard sale adventure in Wisco, a glider that Matty found on Craigslist, blinds and homemade curtains. Our next purchase is going to be a rug but that is the hardest challenge. We need a rug that is black dog friendly:)

We are not really feng shui people but in one of the baby books they say to hang in the corner the biggest picture in the room of the parents. This shows authority and who the child will listen too. Here's hoping:)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

our furry child

Our Rubman has really been a great older brother so far. He doesn't sleep on my legs anymore, he prays everynight that Lil and the rest of his family are healthy and happy and.....

when I say give kisses to momma's baby.... he licks my belly....

Lil and Rubs are going to be best friends.

Friday, September 11, 2009

photo shoot

Yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound appointment. For the first time Lil actually looks more like a baby than an alien. It was awesome to see Lil run around and away from the Technician. What a stinker!

A look back at what Lil looked like at 9 weeks...
Here's how big Lil is now! Check out the foot....
Lil wouldn't give a profile shot until the tech had to poke a little bit. Finally Lil turned so we could get this awesome shot.