Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Easter Bunny

This is Bunny Elwell. He came for the bunny brunch. He didn't eat much. Apparently he wasn't fond of Matty eggs.
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hugs on the front porch

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Bella says...

In order to keep track of Bella's first words I'm going to start a monthly post of her new words. Here's what's on her lips:

Rubba, Hey Boy
Boo (Book)
Cow, Moo
Kitty, Meow
Doggie, Ruff
I know
Yo Gabba Gabba Gabba (she likes to add the additional Gabba)


Bella loves water - tubs, swimming, you name it. It's amazing how fast she is picking up swimming. Our goal is to have her swimming by July so she can hit the sandy lake beach with her cousins.
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