I am a lucky lady. This morning started with an hour pregnancy massage. The guy had a special pillow for my belly so I could lay on my stomach, a feeling I haven't felt in 9 months! Within 2 seconds he told me I am right handed and I carry my daughter on my left hip. All I could answer with was "Yup." When you become a mother it truely becomes a part of you, even your muscles become mom-a-fied. I wonder what the rest of my muscles say... that my heart muscle is pumping of love for my great husband who thinks of booking masages for me and that my smile muscles are strong because I constantly find myself smiling at my wonderful growing family.
After my massage I got a pedicure and I chose the blue toe polish as a symbol of our soon to join us baby boy. It's kinda my gameday uniform of sorts. No matter how ugly labor can get, my toes will be rocking awesome. The best part is they give you the bottle of polish to take home with you. When I got home I showed Bella my blue toes and asked my mini-me if she wanted blue toes too. I think I've created a monster. As I type this I stare at Rubbles at my feet wondering how cute his claw paws would look blue. Maybe I shouldn't:)