Friday, August 14, 2009

New Arrivals

Hello again everyone it is Matty (FYI- Dena hates that I start my posts this way) HA HA! Well over the past two days we have had a couple new things happen. First of all we heard the heartbeat yesterday at the 16 week appointment. It is so cool that the doppler can tell weather patterns and baby heartbeats too! Strong was the word of the day yesterday. The night prior to that too Dena had a great moment and felt the baby move. Soooo cool. I told her I can't wait till I get to see Lil move. Finally another arrival was the crib and mattress came today and yesterday in the mail. I'm convinced a lot of the exciting parts of life start with arrivals. Well my dad and I are gonna try to put the crib together tonight (Because if Dena and I did it would most likely end with us upset at each other). Hope everyone is doing well and boom goes the heartbeat! Love you all

-Matty, Dena, Rub-tron, and LB (kicking guacamole style) [current size=avocado]


  1. Its such an exciting week! Congrats!

  2. setting up cribs isn't that bad- you and I put Hazel's together without a fight :)
